

Waterfall Mall is a 51 056m², upmarket, regional shopping centre and includes an additional 10 266m² in GLA at the Value Mart.

Situated in the heart of the North West Province, the mall first opened in September 1998, with the Value Mart welcoming its first shoppers in December 2006. They are both situated next to the R24 Johannesburg, on the far South Eastern side of the city, providing easy access from the N4 platinum highway through an off-ramp at the eastern entrance of the mall. 

The centre enjoys a foot count of between 590 000 to 600 000 visitors on average per month. It is a weekend destination of choice with an average foot count of between 50 000 and 55 000 just on those days.  The mall caters mainly to families and is marketed to the A+, A and B income groups. 

The primary feeding area is Rustenburg and a 50km radius. The industry consists predominantly of platinum, ferrochrome mines, and their downstream industry, as well as holiday resorts. The centre is periodically frequented by local and international tourists from Sun City, Pilanesberg and the surrounding holiday resorts.

For applications and store leasing enquires please contact:
Marlene Bouwer at Centre Management 
Tel: 014 537 3600
Email: mbouwer@growthpoint.co.za